There are many simple reasons why I created this series the way I did. I passed many beautiful landscapes on my 4400km bicycle trip from Berlin to Marseille. Often I would have loved to have a person to photograph in these surroundings, but I was just by myself. Thats why i decided to shoot a self portrait series.
However, photographing myself in cycling clothing felt like just documenting the trip. I decided to not wear clothes at all. In several places it felt weird to be naked. but I recognized that overcoming this feeling of weirdness was kind of a freeing process. I asked myself why it felt strange. I am alone in nature and with a childish view, without any awareness of society structures, without a sexualized view of nudity it would be the most normal thing in the world.
When I selected the images at the end of the trip,l doubted if the series could just look like a strange nudist showing pictures of himself being naked. The anxiety of the question: Why have I done this? Is it overreading? Is it something personal, or can people identify with it?
But at the end, I thought that exactly that fear of being judged could be the point of this series. I think so much about how all the others could see me and barely allow myself to see who I am. That's why i decided to not give a fuck!
This could be me, and I don't care.